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Buy property in Transylvania

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A vast land of grass growing valleys, hills full with flowers, Transylvania hosts the most botanically diverse hay meadows in Europe. The method of producing the healthy forage has been unchanged for over a hundred years. You can see this during summer – the hay chariots climbing along the hills. These lands are home for up to 50 different species of grass and flower growing even in a single square meter of meadow. And even more - you can just sit and relax among this diversity and feel the energy from the volcanic ground rich in minerals and smell the sweet-salty scent of well-being and pure health. Is important than this is the perfect example of the balance between man's work and the treasure of nature.

Now, you have the unique opportunity to own a part of this treasure, and become part of our cause: preserving the miracle kept for centuries and unchanging this living treasure for centuries to come. And doing so, there is an immense reward: feeling the well being, healthy breath and the pleased smile of nature on your own property.

You can choose from farmhouses, ranches, houses in villages even castles to buy. The Transylvanian miracle is available for every style.

Please contact us for more information!

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