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What is wheatgrass juice?

Useful information - 2018-02-27

The wheat grass juice is the freshly squeezed juice from the leaves of the BIO spelt that is afterwards shock deep frozen. This spelt grass juice is chemical-free and is made of spelt grown on a naturally closed bio field, it is oftentimes referred to as “green blood” and it contains the following active ingredients:

  • Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B10, B17, C, E, F, K
  • Minerals: all the minerals necessary to the human body (over 90 types)
  • Enzymes that have the following effect: neutralization of free radicals, breakdown of fat, aiding in haematogenesys, aiding in the digestion of proteins and starches, slows the aging process, etc.
  • Aminoacids: it contains all the necessary essential aminoacids for the human body, in the right proportion (proteins are made up of aminoacids)
  • Chlorophyll: responsible for the green color of the plants, but that is not why it is important to the human body. Chlorophyll aids the formation of haemoglobins, and so it aids the oxygenation. It is also known as a potent antioxidant and detoxication agent.

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